How to recognize hay fever

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Hay-fever can cause several symptoms and it varies from one person to another depending upon the specific allergies an individual is suffering from. Some hay-fever sufferers will experience severe pain and debilitating symptoms that render them useless and unable to work, while other hay-fever sufferers may feel only slight discomfort and wonder what all the fuss is about. To some people it can be a real disease that drastically effects their quality of living.

In the medical field hay-fever is termed as a chronic disease that approximately 30% of world’s population suffers from. This sounds severe and while it shouldn’t be taken lightly, hay-fever is a medical condition that is common and treatable. Those people who have records of atopy and atopic dermatitis are at higher risk of developing hay fever.

Usually hay fever occurs during the month of early June and goes till mid July (depending where you are located). In addition, whenever the season of ragweed and pollen season begins, then most sufferers would experience symptoms. Below is a list of usual symptoms to be considered for determining whether a person is suffering from hay fever:


A person suffering from the hay fever would experience difficulties related to eyes like watery eyes, red eyes (swollen) and itchy eyes indicate hay fever. In order to prevent scratching or rubbing eyes one can use prescribed eye drops or Visine. These eye drops helps in reducing redness and itchiness.


Due to the fact that hay fever often renders the nose inoperable (blocked, congested or runny and sometimes both), your breathing cycle can suffer as you are forced to breathe through your mouth and the mouth lacks the natural filtration feature that the nose has (Nasal hairs). Also, if your throat is itchy, then it can really become irritated from excessive mouth-breathing (see breathing techniques for allergy relief). Some hay fever sufferers also experience tightness in their chest or wheezing problems which can be associated with asthma.


Running nose, stuffy nose and sneezing also indicate that a person is suffering from hay fever. Additionally the sinus problem can cause severe headache in most of the hay fever patients. As a result, allergists prescribe medicated nasal sprays which assist in clearing the patient’s nasal passage.

Suffering from hay fever can effect your daily function and work. Unfortunately it strikes even healthy people at inappropriate times and can vastly affect your performance and appearance especially in the workplace. Today with inventions in medical field, there are numerous ways to treat hay fever effectively. So whenever an individual were to experience any kind of symptom mentioned above, then it is better to visit his family doctor or allergist and seek his guidance. The medical expert will evaluate, manage, test for allergy and prescribe suitable medication depending upon your physical condition to fight against chronic disease. It should also be considered carefully whether you are also taking medication for other ailments and your doctor will be best suited to advise you on this.


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